Pioneer Scholars Application Process
Applications are due in the spring prior to the summer the pioneer scholars project will take place.
Application Deadline is March 5
The applications will be evaluated by a faculty committee. Notification to the applicant teams will be made via email approximately one month after applications are due.
View examples of successful applications: Sample 1 | Sample 2
The following rubric will be used to evaluate proposals submitted for the Pioneer Scholars Grant Program proposals are evaluated using this Proposal Evaluation Rubric. Student/faculty teams may use this as a guide when drafting their responses.
Apply for Pioneer Scholars Today
Expectations of Pioneer Scholars and Faculty Mentors
- All student/faculty teams who receive funding for a project involving human subjects must submit proof of IRB approval. All student/faculty teams who receive funding for a project involving animal subjects must submit proof of IACUC approval. Proof must be presented by no later than May 15th.
- The majority of the scholarly activities must be completed during summer, at which point plans and results of the scholarly/creative projects will be shared and student learning will be assessed. In addition, group meetings between smaller numbers of teams will occur monthly between June and August.
- The faculty member and student are expected to meet regularly over the summer to assess progress and modify the project as necessary. On average, pioneer scholars and their mentors see each other roughly 5-7 hours per week.
- All student/faculty teams who receive funding are required to prepare an oral presentation for Celebrate Carroll held every April.
- All student/faculty teams will be required to participate in facilitated discussions and will complete an online survey assessing their experiences.